The Phenomenal Museum arises…

When something comes to mind

The word museum originally comes from the Greek mousien, which means to sit with the Muse. That’s one meaning.  The other meaning is when something comes to mind. It was a place that you would go to sit with the muse, and an alternate understanding is whatever comes to your mind. Sitting with the muse is allowing things to be received, allowing yourself to be in a space of receptivity. Potentially, anywhere you are, where you create an intentional space for that, is a museum. Constructing a phenomenal museum space recognizes the original intent of the museum and reimagines and expands the current frame of the museum as it exists in our culture, our consciousness, and our cities. 

The Daily Muse


The Daily Muse

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7am-7:50am PST on ZOOM
Mute on, Video off. Begin your day in a stream of consciousness. The Daily Muse is offered on a sliding scale to increase accessibility.

Drop in: $10-$20 per session
Weekly: $30-$60 per week
Monthly: $150-$300 monthly unlimited subscription

or VENMO @makeconscious

Daily Drop in:
Weekly Drop In:
Monthly Subscription:

Welcome to one expression of the Phenomenal Museum: The Daily Muse.

The museum can be a zoom room. Museums were never intended to stop at their walls. So why do we identify the museum as simply a physical destination? It’s so much more. A museum can be a phenomenal container for inspiration. It’s time to deinstitutionalize sources of power, creativity, and inspiration. You have total access to every Museum in the world and all of the treasures that are our shared heritage of human genius and wisdom.

Listen to sample meditations on Spotify

  • Daily Muse has been a most profound experience each time I have attended. I experience a synergy applying it within the current events of my life.

    At the same time, they unfold in longer arcs, to provide a daily rhythm that provide a progressive and cumulative experience. It strikes balance between structured/sequenced, yet responsive to the currents of the particular moment, both personal or cultural.

    By creating a vulnerable space that combines the personal and cultural, the group uncovers structures that we had a difficult time seeing. It allows us to have a “Matrix” moment of moving faster than the “bullets” of mass culture. - Amor Luz

  • I benefit from the daily muse meditations, which offer a diverse mix/blend of practices that address the body, mind, ancestors, insight. They are interesting connections from spiritual wisdom to personal and cultural subjects.

    As I look back on all the time I’ve sat with Daily Muse, the effect is a sense of community and shared experience that strengthens my creative practice, intellectual expansiveness and overall design toolbox for managing my daily life and professional practice.

    Depth, infinite depth of creative expressions that can be translated and molded into form from pure presence in the state of direct conscious-ness. I realize my dreams.
    - Faith Chiang

  • The tools I’ve found most beneficial are the Daily Muse Meditations each morning and conversations with other Make Conscious members. Drawing and journaling during Daily Muse meditations grounds my inner landscape and evolution of my understanding.

    There is a real sense of the sacred space created by this small group coming together to honor each other in silent relationship and exchange of experiences which inform my own.


    - Tim Paschke

  • Ask yourself what’s ready to stay and what’s ready to go. Sitting in the company of like-minded souls who are attempting to better understand themselves and the greater net of humanity.
    - Stephanie Tran

  • Just do it. Go to the next level of yourself. You can leave all of your preconceived notions and ego at the door because only new things will arrive when you are here. Pull up a chair we have been waiting for you.
    - Leda Olinger

  • Such an honor to cultivate an early morning commitment and reason to wake with the sun. To be a part of a community that’s catalyzing change for the benefit of all. We are the ones we are waiting for, join us. Take our hand and walk with us, we are walking each other home.
    - Marisa Naughton

  • Be a part of the future humanity. Path is narrow but once through the threshold you arrive with many delights. It’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. The unwrapping is twice the delight when you taste the sweet nectar of silence.
    -Paige Loczi


Fine print: Upon signing up, you will receive zoom invitation and relevant passwords! Cancel your monthly subscription anytime.