Phenomenal Museum is a container to reimagine the frame of the museum through conscious place knowing. Museum comes from the Greek Mousein, which means to sit with the muse. The weight of the museum as an institution today feels very far from the simplicity of that original intention. The dislocation of place post-Covid presents an opportunity to reset how we connect to place and reconnect to the original spirit of the museum. We have a unique opportunity now to reinvent how the museum exists in our minds, our cities, and our culture. The process starts by acknowledging the museum as a steward of the land and the collections that they hold.
Phenomenal Museum: The MET
Stay tuned for the next activation!
Phenomenal Museum is a ritual experience to reimagine the frame of the museum through conscious place-knowing. Museum comes from the Greek Mousein, which means to sit with the muse. The weight of the museum as an institution today feels very far from the simplicity of that original intention. We have a unique opportunity now to reinvent how the museum exists in our minds, our cities, and our culture.

“Do it! Have an open mind and grow from each other.” - Natalie Green, NY Times
“Do it! Have an open mind and grow from each other.” - Natalie Green, NY Times
" I was previously intimidated by The MET. Since my Phenomenal Museum experience, I know I can navigate this and other museums with the same kind of intentional focus." - Paige Loczi, LOCZI Design
" I was previously intimidated by The MET. Since my Phenomenal Museum experience, I know I can navigate this and other museums with the same kind of intentional focus." - Paige Loczi, LOCZI Design
“Phenomenal Museum has made The MET accessible and intimate, like a friend I can connect with. It is a public expression of a deep life long journey with the museum as a muse.” - Jessica Kung, Founder Make Conscious
“Phenomenal Museum has made The MET accessible and intimate, like a friend I can connect with. It is a public expression of a deep life long journey with the museum as a muse.” - Jessica Kung, Founder Make Conscious
A Peek at the Phenomenal Process
Let your gaze settle on the image,
Slowing your relationship to your perception of it
Along with your gaze, feel your body settle, and your breath settle
Feel all three arriving simultaneously
Become like Earth
Allow your eyes to embody the quality of earth, and let the quality of earth to inform your gaze. As you do this, realize that your gaze is an expression of your body.
Allow your gaze to become like the quality of earth
Let it be grounded, stable, slow, rooted, and rhythmic
Feel this quality of earth arising in both your body and your gaze
Like you are earth, all the qualities of earth
And look upon this painting like you’re walking on the earth
Slowly moving through it, step by step..