Your Phenomenal Home

Your home tells your story. That story is not limited to the visible structure of the house, but is a narrative that weaves through time and space, between site and psyche. The process begins through discovering what your story is, on all levels of consciousness through all levels of phenomena. The levels of phenomena leave a trail. These lines become a path that can be observed, traced, and mapped. A phenomenal home consultation opens the path.




We connect to the spirit of your home and land (Genius Domus and Genius Loci) and start to map out relevant spiritual, energetic, geologic, and ancestral phenomena.
Onsite is currently available for Norcal, Socal, NY, CT, MA and we generally book 1-2 months out.

Remote Sessions are 1hr, Onsite are 1.5hr

from $300.00
Add To Consciousness


Based upon the findings, we co-create a scope of work that can include but is not limited to: space clearing, land healing, space programming and design. To get started on home transformation, start with a listening session.


Traditional design processes activate without deep listening. In our process, the activation grows out of the listen and transform processes and can include custom ornament, altar design, and murals. The possibilities are always expanding as the capabilities of the collective grows.

Everything we build and make from buildings and cities to machines and organizations should be designed as an affirmation of our interdependence with the natural world. Rebuild the matrix, regenerate the cosmos, and renew the earth.

- from Architecture, Ornament, and Climate Change

Case Studies


San Mateo Home

Clearing the backyard, harmonizing the trees, blocking geopathic stress fields, activating a prosperity fountain.

Berkeley Home

Uncovering the story of the house. Activating the backyard rocks, creating a sacred landscape inside and out with a Ganesh Garden design. (Studies pictured above.)


Bolinas Retreat

Site Analysis and Storytelling for home and barn.
Above: earth acupuncture for the land outside the barn.

When we move into a home, we create sacred moments.
We try to place our story on the land, but we don’t always acknowledge the full extent of the story that came before our arrival. Home cannot fully arrive until we listen to the story of the land and begin the process of healing the land. Then the dweller becomes a conscious dweller, and becomes part of the story of place. We make the place when we allow the place to make us.