The Structure of Energy

10 Levels of Consciousness

Soul - Emotions - Thoughts - Prana - Breath - Body - Aura - Resources - Environment - Cosmos

Why Make?

We create the future of human consciousness through engaged action.
“techne” - the root of technology. Techne is an Ancient Greek concept that holds that it is only through making the thing that the idea of the thing you are making changes. Making precipitates a paradigm shift.

Why Conscious?

“We are living in a special time. Throughout the world there is a stirring and an interrelation of forces never before experienced by mankind. All around us we see an unprecedented acceleration of the possibilities for change. Philosophers and scientists are coming to agree that not only do we need a deep alteration in the present state of mankind, but that this radical shift depends solely upon our relationship to consciousness - the invisible, fundamental energy behind phenomenal existence. “ - William Segal, The Structure of Man