a living archive

Make Conscious Resources

A Phenomenal Conversation:

Kent Bloomer on Ornament

May 22 5pm-6:30pm
Topic: The Catastrophic Impact of the Elimination of Ornament.

Drop into the home studio of Kent Bloomer with Make Conscious founder Jessica Kung to discuss one of the crucial topics of our time - the legacy of the elimination of ornament from modern architecture and the unforeseen and devastating impact of the vacuum that remains. 


Phenomenal Site Analysis
+ Climate Change

Lecture Series with PolyAna + Studio Petrichor

Without the rain dance, there is no rain.
Ceremonies and rituals make the sun shine and the rain fall. With the destruction of the cultural knowledge systems and practices of care that bridge humanity and nature, our world has fallen out of balance. The moment we objectified land, removed spirit from the land, we commodified it and enabled a relationship of exploitation and destruction. Climate Change is rooted in the breakdown of communication between humans and the natural world. A one-sided relationship, the destruction of the planet is predicated upon the commodification and objectification of land. Mission critical to the sustainability movement is to transform our consciousness of the land from a resource we are trying to exploit less of “in a sustainable way” and return to the indigenous world view of being in right relationship with the spirit of the land, the earth as a mother and goddess to work with in ceremony and devotion. Join Jessica Kung of Make Conscious for an introduction to how phenomenal site analysis begins to build a bridge between indigenous perspectives of the landscape and contemporary design processes through phenomenal data visualization and ritual documentation.

Articles + Press

  • Everything we build and make from buildings and cities to machines and organizations should be designed as an affirmation of our interdependence with the natural world. Rebuild the matrix, regenerate the cosmos, and renew the earth.

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  • Intentional architecture that consciously engages with the social sphere in a sustainable and humane way should not be exceptional, but the new normal — the Hippocratic oath of the architect.

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  • “The average architect is not involved with civic conversations,” Kung Dreyfus said. “My hope is to bring [social change] from the fringe of architectural practice into a norm, to shift the needle of what architects are considered to be responsible for in dictating the built environment.”

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