
Landscape is an inner and outer topography that weaves between the path of your life and the road you live on. We listen for the whole story of the land, seeking to understand how we build today exists as a function of past and future generations. We honor the ancestors, the genius loci (spirit of the land), and offer our creative genius in service and devotion to the land.

  • Our process begins with listening to the phenomenal dimensions of the land. We create phenomenal maps that illuminate the spiritual, energetic, and geologic layers that create the place. When the invisible is felt and heard, the land speaks. We listen.

  • Through listening, an inner and outer landscape forms. The psyche travels through first by way of vision, and finds built form through inspired weavings with materials, elements, and plants. We journey together with the land.

  • We are changed by every project. We may think we activate the land through our designs, but perhaps it is the land that activates our own humanity through deepening our connection to what is possible. With humility and gratitude we continue to listen.


What we do.


Phenomenal Mapping + Site Analysis

Our process begins with a multi-dimensional site analysis that includes the indigenous, geologic, personal, social, civic, spiritual, and energetic dimensions of land. We combine digital mapping processes with en plein air sketching and land-based rituals to witness and gather the ancestral and energetic stories of the land. We synthesize the data into accessible and generative materials that lead into design development and community engagement.

Land Healing + Community Facilitation

Our process begins where the land acknowledgement ends. Land acknowledgement is the beginning of coming into right relationship with the land. Before we build, we need to listen and learn. We heal the land through extended practices of sitting with the land, ritual performance, earth divination, and ceremony. Each of these practices comes from decades of training in traditional land-based practice. We collaborate with Indigenous elders and Ancestral methodologies to bring multiple perspectives into the design process.

Programming, Design, and Master Planning

Our expanded process creates a larger data set to work with and informs detailed programs for the land, visionary design execution, and strategic master plans. We work at multiple scales from residential backyards, to 300+ acre retreat centers, to the urban scale. We define holistic and phenomenal design through our inclusive adoption of ancient and contemporary technologies - seamlessly weaving wisdom traditions with current architectural processes.

Case Studies

Conscious Castle
northern california


Phenomenal Site Analysis + Land healing
+ Design Concept

Ancestral Valley
northern california


Phenomenal Site Analysis + Land healing + Design Concept

In Process

Work with us.