Phenomenal NYC
1.31 - 2.2
an urban retreat
mapping the city
the 10 levels of NYC

A Crash Course to the 10 Levels of Consciousness
as expressed in the Genius Loci of NYC
led by Native New Yorker and
Founder of Make Conscious, Jessica Kung
Meet the Muse in the city of Museums.
Experience the Phenomenal Museum @ The Met,
The Museum of the Native American and more…
Stillness is not something that is found. Stillness guides.
Experience NYC from the point of view of a meditator,
Unlock the Dharma of the city of cities.
Sign Up
Tuition Only $1111
Early Bird $999*
Tuition + 3 Nights Luxury Housing $2161
Early Bird $1999*
*ends January 15th
Weekend Sketch
(Meet up locations and details will be provided upon registration)
Friday 4-5pm Check-In
Sunday 3pm-4pm Closing Circle
Experience Three Phenomenal Museums + Two Genius Loci activations at sacred locations on the island of Manhattan.
Stillness guides the way and we will be practicing meditation through out the weekend at sacred sites throughout the city.
Awaken all your senses and learn how to create phenomenal data sets that expand your storytelling capacity.