Phenomenal Womb

a 9 month journey for women
winter solstice - fall equinox
12.21.24 - 9.22.25

7:21am EST


Phenomenal Womb
is a 9 month journey
led by the Jessica Kung and Lauren Pho
for women who wish to be in a sacred community
Once a month we will gather virtually
to heal together, listen,
and discover the ground of the sacred feminine.
The space of the womb, the sacred chamber,
asks to be awakened.


Build your inner goddess temple.
The 9 month journey brings together the processes of land healing with the process of clearing, transforming, and activating the womb space. We begin by clearing ancestral trauma, unresolved relationships, and contracts. As the space clears, discover the seed geometry and form of your womb. The medicine of sound and sacred community transforms the space into a temple to the Goddess within.


What does it mean to be a woman in the 21st century? What is a feminine paradigm of empowered self-expression? In this unique educational experience designed specifically for women we work together to develop divine feminine expressions of power, creativity, holistic health, and emotional and mental wellness. 


We will explore the interrelationship between the Divine Feminine and the creative principle. We will also celebrate and explore the womb as a sacred geometric form and a powerful embodied expression of the feminine principle. In this truly unique course, we will combine energy healing, sound healing, ancestral healing, traditional chinese medicine, art history, architecture history, and drawing to better understand the many dimensions of
a phenomenal womb.

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Registration Options:
Monthly Subscription Above
For one time registration:
Venmo @makeconscious

Sliding Scale Options:

$75/month or $555
Access to all gatherings and Daily Muse meditations.

$150/month or $1150
All of the above plus monthly 30min 1-1 session

$325/month $2450
All of the above plus one monthly 75min 1-1 session

$525/month or $4200
All of the above plus 2 monthly
personal 1-1 sessions